As a father of two small children, there is a part of me that’s always on the lookout for any danger or unthought-of detail that might hinder them.
I know I’m not alone. It’s the loving sacrifice that we humans make for one another. We watch each other’s backs.
So when it comes to the 4 hidden toxins (below) that silently infiltrate our homes and bodies on a daily basis, it’s up to all of us to help get the word out.
So what are they?
I don’t want to spook you, but you have enemies to your health sneaking into your body through common household items that you’d never suspect.
In our modern world, companies are cutting corners so that they can push more product out and make a higher profit. Some of these things are obvious like: pesticides, flame retardant sprays on couches, and preservatives in almost all of our food.
But others are much more sneaky…
So without further ado, here are 4 hidden toxins that many of us ingest every day.
To start, the #1 way that we are taking in toxins is through the substance that we need most as human beings: our water.
And there are 2 main ways this is happening:
1.) Bottled Water (contains Bisphenol A, aka BPA)
Did you know it is estimated that Americans alone purchase more than 70 billion bottles of water per year?
What you might not know is that each of these bottles contains toxins that have been scientifically proven to have a negative effect on our health.
Bisphenol A (BPA) is the chemical compound that big companies use in their factories to shape plastic and make seals for the inside of cans. This toxin has been sneaking into our daily lives since the ’60s and most people don’t even give it a second thought.
The dangers of BPAs were exposed by the FDA. They have reported that BPAs, as well as PVC — which is sometimes used to make plastic more durable — negatively affect your overall health because they severely disrupt the endocrine system. Meddling with hormones and neurotransmitters in the body sets off a chain reaction that can alter mood, brain chemistry, development of babies, infants and children. It can increase blood pressure, cause infertility, and could even provoke cancer cells.
Here are some easy ways to avoid these toxins:
- Check labels and make sure that the plastic products you purchase are BPA free.
- Choose fresh produce over canned.
- Choose ceramic or glass over plastic as often as possible.
Another way that we ingest toxic water is from the tap.
2.) Tap Water (contains Toxic Metals and Contaminants)
If you are experiencing an unpleasant aftertaste when drinking from your tap, you may have toxic metals, antimicrobials, or contaminants from rainwater runoff making their way into your system every day.
If you have an older home, be sure to check the plumbing often. Rusty pipes are the main cause of toxic metal exposure, especially lead. Steady exposure to lead can lead to lasting issues like changes in mental health and an array of digestive ailments.
Disinfectants that are added to water at treatment plants are another culprit. Chlorine may kill microbes, but when mixed in with organic matter, it leaves a train of cancer-causing disinfectant byproducts.
You know all those drains you see on the side of the road? Have you ever wondered where the water goes? The answer is straight into the river, through the water treatment plant, and back into people’s homes.
Herbicides and pesticides have been found in tap water due to these rain gutters and through irrigation runoff from farms. Exposure to pesticides can lead to short term illness like diarrhea or stomach cramps, but can also lead to more serious problems like cancer or respiratory illnesses.
Though your city is required to check for and notify you of any illnesses that can be caused by bacteria in the water, here are the easiest ways to protect yourself from these toxins:
- Get your water tested.
- Install a water filter on all of your sinks and showerheads.
Our mouths are not the only entryway for our bodies to receive nutrients and toxins through. A new study has shown that the pores in your skin can absorb up to 64% of the contaminants in your drinking water alone!
Moving on to #3!
The word “organic” doesn’t always guarantee that your skincare products are 100% toxin-free. After digging into some of the biggest “natural” beauty brands, we found that many have cut corners and exploited loopholes.
We’ve found that standard lotions, oils, and shampoos contain 2 big sneaky intruders:
3.) Parabens
Parabens are an extremely common preservative that have been shown to disrupt estrogen production and have also been detected in malignant tumors. These chemicals are abundantly found in deodorants, shampoos, toothpaste, body washes, makeup, and other cosmetic products.
Science recognizes them as known endocrine disruptors which can lead to cancer. This is a huge public health concern that has been raised by numerous scientific panels and consumer advocacy groups.
One British study found that tumors in 19 out 20 breast cancer patients had detectable amounts of various parabens. Even if there is not a causal relationship to cancer, there certainly is a link that is being ignored at the highest levels of public health.
Currently, the FDA does not even recognize that parabens adversely affect human health:
“At this time, we do not have information showing that parabens as they are used in cosmetics have an effect on human health.”
In fact, they do not regulate this and no FDA approval is needed before a product rich in parabens can be in the open market.
4.) Phthalates
Phthalates are usually hidden under the word “fragrance,” a known hormone disruptor linked to reproductive defects.
What’s alarming is that researchers know that these compounds are bad for our health, yet they are everywhere in consumer products…
Known as ‘plasticizers’ as they help make plastics more flexible, these chemicals are found in most products you buy.
The National Institute of Health acknowledges that certain types of phthalates are endocrine disruptors (mess with your hormones) and cause cancer.
To avoid exposure, the NIH recommends:
- When possible, avoid foods with plastic packaging.
- Avoid heating food in plastic.
- Avoid plastic containers and plastic wrap that may contain phthalates.
According to the CDC, research shows that women have higher levels of phthalates, perhaps due to the concentration found in personal care products, e.g. shampoos, conditioners, body washes, soaps, and other cosmetics.
Lab-made facial products are prone to cause inflammation, breakouts, scarring, and even more serious things like cancer. Our bodies just don’t know how to process things that aren’t natural, aka from the Earth.
So the next time you look for safe skincare products, be mindful that you are purchasing all-natural, plant-based products.
Finally – because toxins are so rampant in our modern world – and almost impossible to avoid completely – I strongly recommend that you also embrace lifestyle choices that help to detoxify your body on a regular basis.
Stay curious,
Nick Polizzi
Host of Proven: Healing Breakthroughs Backed By Science
& Founder of The Sacred Science
18 Responses
Hello Nick, I have been very appreciative of your information, and this education on the 4 Hidden Toxins that can Destroy your Health is an another excellent reminder. To the of my ability I have been trying, for over almost 2 decades, to offset the first 3 Toxins and in most ways I am eliminating Phthalates, except in Skin Care. I even combine reliable organic oils to moisturize my skin, which I try to mix with a body lotion. I also use plant based soaps to wash with. Also, for Oral Health, I have been using Desert Essence toothpaste w/Tea Tree Oil, and Oral Pulling Rinse as well alongside with a mixture of peroxide with baking soda. Three years ago, the last step was living a vegan lifestyle, but because I have a sensitivity to gluten, citrus, green tea, chocolate, coffee, and cocoa, it’s been difficult to find a healthy, plant based protective body lotion. I have searched and tried so many, but when I am able to look more closely, there has been either green tea or citrus in most of the products. If possible, could you please recommend a company or companies whose Skin Care products feature plant base sources of essential fatty acids and vitamins that can help skin counteract environmental stressors, without the above allergens?
Thank you, Noelia
What about transporting water. Glass or ceramic? How do you filter all water in your house . Sometimes it’s hard when you only have a shower filter, and a brita. Don’t use Tupperware? Sheesh!
BOTNIA skincare is Plant based skincare. They are amazing, their products are organically grown and sourced, from their farm and other local farms, and then hand crafted on their own lab/ farm in Sausalito, CA. You can email them directly and ask specific questions about your skin. You can also request their body and facial lotions to come without fragrance.
To Noelia asking for a chemical free lotion: The easiest imo is just to use coconut oil (preferably the type without smell). Coconut oil is actually healing and nurturing for the skin in itself. But if you want a lotion (and also very easy) you can just mix equal parts coconut oil and aloe vera gel. You may need to soften the oil first. Then stir until well mixed. Extra but maybe nice is to stir in a few drops of essential oil. I love rose or vetiver or lavendel. Keeps for months in room temp.
Hello Nick, I am so grateful for all the information that you share with us. Could you recommend me a water system that is not too expensive to filter our water. Thank you, Luz Marina
Hi Nick I live in Queensland Australia. And I boil my tap water for Drinking
AM I doing the right thing and usemostly glass for storing left over foods
Hello Nick
Thank you for your info. There is another product line you can recommend to your community ‘downunder’. It is “ecostore”. They are based in New Zealand, but you can get their products in Australia. They also ship. They sell products for cleaning, dishes, laundry, body care; all are conscious of health, environment, animal welfare. The founder was a chemist who developed these product formulas from scratch at a time when no local high quality bio products were available. Even the social and economical aspects of their enterprise are noteworthy.
You might want to check out their website:
We use only Mineral Water from Alps. San Benedetto. From Italy.
Yes, these are in plastic bottles. But I prefer Mineral Water over tap water with fluoride and chlorine.
If there was a solution to filter out chlorine, fluoride and metals, sure, I’d use tap water.
Question is, what worse, some bisphenol in mineral water, OR fluoride, chlorine and metals in tap water ? Metals and some chlorine can be filtered out with Brita filters, but not Fluoride. Reverse osmosis can do all that, but very expensive. So, clean mineral water, especially from Alps, is the best solution.
I have a whole house water filter because of hard water. In my area they can be rented. I also have a Pur water filter in the kitchen for drinking water. I do occasionally buy bottled mineral water when I’m feeling depleted. I wish there was a better way. I’m doing what I can and try not to worry.
Wash / rinse your clothes in Vinegar.
Softens, cleans, and is environmentally friendly.
Thanks Nick, I highly appreciate your Work.
Drinking water of Norway ( and Oslo ) is very clean. We don’t need to think about (bad ) drinking water.
English :Drinking water of Norway ( and Oslo ) is very clean. We don’t need to think about (bad ) drinking water.
This is an incredible amount of information. We do have under the sink water filters for drinking and
cooking everything. It’s called Aqua Sana and we replace them often. Also our son bought us a
Conway air cleaning filter. And best news, my husband stopped smoking.
Hi Nick, always appreciate your wise info. Here in Perth W Aust. I have used the brita filter for many years and am now contemplating the under sink reverse osmosis filter system for even better water filtration.
I would like to write a short reply to Noelia in regards to skin lotions: Skin lotions are completely unnecessary, however, if you feel the need for such it is a clear sign of dehydration of your body. Hydration does not happen very well with water, but fruit and vegetable juices will do the trick much better than any other drink, also lots of watermelon and other types of melons and also cucumbers. If you still wish to put something on your skin, then use natural oils with a few drops of essential oils–but anything apart from that you won’t find anything good out there–I have looked into it for many years … I am a 43 year old woman and I do appreciate the natural way of bringing healing and life to our bodies as simply as possible. Also, I have not used soap in years and I find them completely unnecessary. It is not healthy for us to place soaps on our skins–we wash the oils off every time we do so, this can also create a problem with dryness of the skin and other pathogens entering into our system much easier than if the oils are left on where they belong. We must learn to respect nature, or it will turn against us and in the end still nature will win and we will continue to suffer …
It’s wonderful to read about the hidden ( and less so) contaminants and “poisons” . The question is WHAT can Wembley the ordinary people, can domabout them? The relevant protective organisations don’t also act when they should, prevented, as they are, by the powerful manufacturers of those often lethal products! It can be even understandable: when one has a factory full of the already paid for contaminants, it’s difficult to throw them away and purchase a new stock of a new, healthy, products. The best protection would be to have a refund from the government bodies, to compensate small businesses at least, for the financial loss.
thanks for the reminders. I suggest that you include benzene’s> any product with an ingredient that begins with “bene” is a petroleum derivative and cancerous.