The renowned martial arts master Bruce Lee once said:
“Be like water, making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it.”
Wise words.
Water itself is the guest of honor for today’s piece. We’re going to get into the nitty gritty of how to make sure you’re getting the best water into your glass and why it’s so vital to your health!
Did you ever wonder why so many of us love to walk along the ocean?
Studies have shown that people who live near or next to a body of water are 10 percent happier . Researchers from the University of Exeter — in England — found that people who lived within a mile from the sea were 22 percent less likely to experience mental health disorders — such as anxiety and depression. Isn’t that incredible?
Just being close to these “blue spaces” — as scientists refer to them — increases our happiness.
Marine biologist, Wallace J. Nichols, calls the “immeasurable sense of peace that we feel around water” our “blue mind.”
Water gives and teaches us so much — but the simple everyday-ness of it makes it easy to take it for granted. That said, we all know there’s nothing quite like that feeling of drinking cold, clear water when you’re parched. Or the sheer joy of diving into a crystal clear lake on a sweltering day.
We need H20.
The truth is, without water, we can only live a matter of days — that’s how critically our body relies on water to survive. Food on the other hand? We can get by without eating for weeks — so long as we’re drinking at least 1.5 liters of water per day.
But to truly thrive and live our best lives, some experts believe we really should be hydrating way more than that — as much as 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of water a day for men, and 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) a day for women.
What to Look for In Your Water:
Pure, mineral-rich, clean water offers incredible benefits for your body and mind. Here’s what you should be looking for in your drinking water:
- It’s free of contaminants like fungi, bacteria, and parasites
- It’s rich in essential minerals like sulfur, manganese, and calcium
- It’s alkaline, which means it has a pH above 7 and may offer added benefits.
So, where can you get the highest-quality water to nourish your body?
Spoiler alert: it doesn’t come from your tap.
Where to Get Your Water
Spring Water
Spring water, sourced and stored safely, is your best bet. This pure source of water, straight from Mother Earth herself, delivers so many vital minerals our bodies desperately crave.
Anyone who has had the privilege of drinking right from a mountain spring will tell you it is the best-tasting and most thirst-quenching water they’ve ever had.
A great resource to find a fresh spring near you is This site has an extensive map of hot and cold springs all over the world. You’ll want to “favorite” this site!
Many people mistakenly think that like spring water, well water is a great, natural source of minerals too. While it’s true that well water does contain many minerals — if they’re the wrong kinds of minerals, the water can be very hard on our bodies.
Well Water
The water that comes from wells is sometimes actually called “hard” water because it has bubbled up through rock formations like limestone. In the process, the water takes on a higher amount of certain minerals than our body can handle. People who drink water from the wrong wells can develop dry hair and dull skin.
I remember one time in the Amazon, the only source of freshwater available was from a well. Let’s just say the mineral content of that water did not sit well with my body!
Tap Water
Did you know the water that most of us drink — tap water — is probably among the least nourishing?
Tap water can be full of hidden toxins. Even under current Environmental Protection Agency standards, tap water can contain trace levels of pesticides, harsh chemicals, aluminum, plastic, and heavy metals.
Plus, tap water is treated with chlorine to kill bacteria. You know… chlorine — the same chemical that’s poured into public swimming pools to keep them looking clean. While small doses of chlorine are supposed to be harmless, there’s new evidence that regular ingestion of chlorine can lead to gut complications… or even cancer.
Tap water also contains fluoride.
While many public health officials state that fluoridating water helps to protect tooth enamel, fluoride research actually reveals the opposite — fluoridated water causes dental fluorosis or the discoloration of the enamel.
Nowadays, we also know that fluoride can calcify (or harden) the pineal gland in your brain, The pineal gland regulates sleep and hormones — and it’s long been linked to the idea of the “third eye” — a spiritual bridge that leads to higher states of enlightenment, inner wisdom, and intuition.
Drinking pure, natural spring water, or water that has filtered out the fluoride, may help to heal and soften our pineal glands… and expand our consciousness.
Water heals our bodies in so many other ways too.
The Healing Power of Water
This miracle liquid supports digestion and transports nutrients throughout the body, flushes bacteria through the kidneys and out of the bladder, carries oxygen to the cells, regulates our temperature, energizes muscles, helps the function of our organs, lubricates and cushions our joints and spinal cord… the list just goes on and on!
Water scientist Masaru Emoto also believed that while water can heal us, we can heal water. This pioneering thinker conducted research on frozen water and found that it holds and responds to the energetic frequencies directed towards it.
Emotu’s groundbreaking research discovered that water has the ability to copy and transfer information. Water exposed to violent, hateful messages tended to form fragmented, lopsided crystals.
But when we direct loving, grateful vibrations towards the water we drink, the water responds by moving into symmetrical, beautiful patterns. Emotu taught that when we send these positive intentions towards our water, we can help to purify and energetically transform it.
What a beautiful thought to finish with — in the same way this incredible liquid hydrates and heals us, we too can heal water. For me, this simply serves as proof of the sacred relationship between water and humans.
So why not honor that sacred connection by hydrating your body — your temple — with the purest, highest-quality water possible?
I hope the information above helps you do just that!
*Our Sacred Cookbook Is A #1 Bestseller*
Earlier this week, we released our brand new Sacred Cookbook to the world, and the response has been kind of insane… it’s already a #1 Bestseller!
This beautiful hardcover cookbook is filled with ancient healing recipes that will thrill your taste buds and nourish your body.
These are the most powerful food medicines I’ve come across through decades of exploring healing traditions around the world…
Click here to see what all the fuss is about!
Stay curious,
Nick Polizzi
Host of Healing Kitchen: Let Food Be Thy Medicine
& Founder of The Sacred Science
33 Responses
What about a reverse osmosis system?
It is refreshing to see and read articles like this.
Thank you
Quite an interesting issue. The sacred science -the healing power of water. Hope to receive more details on the subject matter and other resourceful science. Thanks, my regards.
Hi I just read your message and wanted to tell you about this book, it is “The Hidden Messages in Water” it is written By Masaru Emoto.
Thank you so much for all the great and interesting information on water! I also agree that water has a sacred relationship with all life on earth. Have you heard of Living Water? It’s what our bodies crave but sadly have probably never known it. Living Water is structurally beneficial to our cells, like water from a pristine waterfall that is actually energized! It is the KEY to health. Please contact me if you’d like to know more!
This is a great article. But you only touch the surface of the value of water to our health. M. Emotional also teaches the valuable benefits of Sole. I have given a couple of talks on this and how it can help balance the body.
Excellent and practical for human beings
Is Ozarka Spring Water truly a good source of spring water? It is available by delivery or in the grocery store.
Iv heard water can cure gastritis, but I can’t find anything online about it especially on Google!! Any info or links you could send me on gastritis!! As I am going 2 try heal the natural way
Good to know all the benefits of pure water.
I certainly don’t drink 15 cups per day. I will strive towards that goal. The benefits are definitely worth it. One interesting point. Last year I became very ill with Covid. Spent 14 days in the hospital. My body craved water. Drank about 16-18 cups a day.
I am 74 and have fully recovered.
I have M.E. My specialist said to only drink Reverse Osmosis water. What do you think?
Thank you for this information. I always ask God to bless this water before I drink it!
I have this book “The Hidden Messages in Water”, BY Masaru Emoto. I haven’t finished it yet but very interesting read.
What is the source for recommending 11 cups a day of water for women?
It is good to document your resources.
Dear Nick,
For quite some time I have followed your programmes and also bought one of them. The concept – how you do it is awesome. Thank you. I have followed many others, but with the feeling that the free programmes are just advertisments for buying the programmes with real information. With you it is always filled with real information for free. Than you to you and all the people in your progrrammes.
A follower from Denmark
great article indeed ! water is life!
Thank you for the water reminder! The
best water I ever had was from a melting glacier in Alaska. I emptied out
my water bottle and filled it with the
glacier water. Also, when I worked in
Glacier National Park in the 1960’s I
hiked over glaciers and drank from
high mountain streams. Sadly, the
Glaciers are now disappearing from the
I enjoyed this article Nick. It resonated with everything I felt and continue to feel about water and being near water sources.
According to Dr. John R. Christopher, founder of The School of Natural Healing, and also Dr. Robert Morse, who has been curing “incurable” conditions for 40 years, the body cannot utilize earth minerals such as those found in mineral water. Minerals must first pass through plant tissues to be properly assimilated. Earth minerals will be accepted, but not assimilated, resulting in clogging and arterial plaquing. Distilled water is PURE H20 (which is, as you state, what the body needs) free of clogging minerals.
Thankful for the water in our world
One of your cds… talked of adding salt…pink salt…is this still your practice?
water consciousness inspiring …
Veda Austin is currently co-creating with water and recording her work for a scientific paper, her consciousness work with water is awesome. Veda has a large following around the world, doing her work, bringing more insights into water. It is great fun!
I believe what you wrote is true, We have a water which gushes out of a small hill in the jungle where our great grand parents usually use bamboos to fetch water for whoever sick in the house and give it to him or to drink to get his/her health back. I was shown this water where I collected this water for drinking. This drinking place is there. Yes water has healing powers to heal the sick.
I love the article, but was disappointed that you didn’t explain why spring water is the best water for us to drink. It’s because it’s structured water or fourth phase water. There are many books on this subject and several devices sold to produce structure water at home.
Where would one get water that is higher that 7 on the pH scale?
What water to buy?
Nick, I preface the following commentary by saying that my spouse and I, being health professionals have enjoyed all of your presentations and vast information, and will continue to do so, and your referral to the location of spring sites is awesome, and thanks so much!
As a caveat, fellow readers should refer to the EPA’s Toxics Release Inventory online before drinking spring water directly that has not been sourced and stored safely as you stated.
Just my personal opinion – Research what spring you are going to before deciding to drink the waters there. Also, research the state where the springs are located. My state is one of the top water polluters allegedly. Relative to a report I read, one of our well-known springs has an area for dogs to swim as well, and due to an algae outbreak, dogs ended up dying due to a neurotoxin originating from the algae. Due to the influx of tourists, industries that pollute our precious waters with toxins, and locals to the springs, along with the continuing climate change, I would not personally choose to drink directly from any body of water now days as no bodies of water that I know of are pristine anymore. Other than the fact that spring water from Mother Earth is the most optimal, it must, as you stated, be sourced and kept safely! Hopefully, one, day, we won’t also be subjected to the microplastics in our water!
Years ago while travelling I came across The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto. Thankyou for this wonderfully written article Nick, I have pulled it from the shelf to reread.
Amen! We have lived in the mountains of western NC (USA) for over 30 years with a home well system! No chemical processing plus a standard 5 micron whole house filter for silt. My wife and I have been remarkably healthy and consume lots of water. I supplement with a mineral complex through a separate stand alone
2 gallon filtration system for all drinking and cooking water. We are convinced this has had a massive positive effect on our good health!
I recently saw an extremely interesting documentary about water. Water can take many forms, that everybody knows, well almost.But there is another form. This is a total surprise, water can also be METALLIC ! imagine that!
Wow! To know that we can affect the quality of our water by intention! What a powerful idea. As always, I enjoy and learn so much more and interesting information from you, Nick! I just purchased your new cookbook and can’t wait to read and use it!
Thank you for the inspiration and knowledge.
Just a quick note to tell you that I have so enjoyed all of your articles.
I have learned so much !!
I am on the way, with a friend, to Blackville, SC–Healing Springs–it was left to the “people” by the land owner, and is never without someone capturing the great spring water
Look forward to your next writings. Thank you. Henny
There is a wonderful documentary called Secret Of Water that talks about the consciousness of water. It talks about how water needs to move in an organic way, such as a figure eight pattern as it does in streams that actually creates and supports the living consciousness of it. When we run it through our pipes at forced angles it is considered dead water. We can change that consciousness back, as Emotu’s work was focused on, with actions that we can do to the water ourselves. In California they add ammonia to the chlorine which binds the chlorine and makes it stable. Otherwise chlorine will dissipate from water within three days. This water kills fish and plants. Can you imagine what it does to the liver and kidneys of our pets and ourselves? Since our bodies are thought to be 70 to 80% water we can actually work with the consciousness of the water in our bodies to help our health. Water is considered an element all on its own and that it’s the only element that can become a solid, liquid and gas. As a conscious being there is much we can do to engage with water to help us.
Hello, Your email this morning with instructions for Nadi breathing came at a propitious time in that I was feeling very strange and out of sorts even after my Chi Gong practice. I also have once been a student of Kundalini Yoga where we did Nadi Breathing but have since forgot about it. I am about to sit down and Nadi breath to reduce my symptoms. Thank you for the timely email.